What We Offer


We want to help you discover and activate the strategic goals to be achieved in individuals and teams as part of your organization, leaving a legacy for the future. We are committed to generate ambition in you, your networks and your clients with effective results.

  • REGARDING CLIMATE CHALLENGES – we work beyond the gap that any tool may measure. We focus on the individuals and the environments ehich allow them to bring the best they have to the game.
  • REGARDING CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT – we merge legacy, results and sustainability facing the high level of change our worldwide economy has to consider in order to adapt to the culture already in action within the company.
  • REGARDING OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE – we lead, inspire and influence towards effective results working from the strengths every professional brings to the table.


We believe in leading from the heart, connected with your passion and making it happen from your full presence. These experiences will be tailored based on the state-of-the-arts of the company as well as the executives considering what’s abundant as proven resources and start from there. Our projects are backed with the support of our global allies such as Kaospilot and Positive Change Intitute, among others. This collaboration allows us to deliver the maximum quality by sharing the best experience of each team of professionals.

We have designed 3 programs to that end. Each one of them puts emphasis on the individual and his/her strengths in order to build together the best possible scenario to challenge the status quo with a purpose.

  • COS – Construction of Organizations for Sustainability
  • Positive Change – Value and recognition of what’s abundant in your people.


The aim of our designs is to challenge executives, individuals and organizations, in becoming creative and efficient designers for innovation within their systems. The leaders who have been part of our programs have been able to work in multi diverse teams, establish a thriving creative direction and alignment towards a change from management to effective business leadership with innovative measurable results.

The following are 3 of our training to that end:

  • INNOVATION FUNNEL PROGRAMS – Horizontal idea development
  • CO-CREATING AN INNOVATION CULTURE – From chaos to chaordic developments
  • INNOVATION PORTFOLIO OF IDEAS – Innovation awards; new patents, added company value


We aim at awakening a better self-knowledge of each executive, by understanding their own behavior and the others’ behavior (colleagues and clients) and acquiring specific skills to get adapted and connected more effectively with them. Most of these programs are design together with the professional.

We bring a set of tools and maps that would allow the professional to take leadership in his or her own hands. These techniques will help deal with teams, challenges and most of all change which is a constant in today’s world.

These programs focus on:

  • Talent development
  • Skill development
  • Career promotion or demotion


  • The individual, his presence to lead.
  • Management and team alliance for outstanding results.
  • Facilitation of organizational learning for sustainability